Why American Hospital of Paris?
Members of the American community in Paris established the American Hospital in 1906. At that time many Americans found themselves in Paris without any health coverage. That’s why Dr. Magnin, himself part of the American community, and one of his American friends, decided to create an association to establish an American Hospital in Paris. Their ambition was to offer their countrymen – whatever their resources - access to health services, delivered in English, by American-trained doctors.
On January 30, 1913, the American Congress in Washington passed a special act officially recognizing the American Hospital of Paris and giving it federal status.
Do non-French doctors practice at the American Hospital of Paris?
As a rule, only doctors possessing French or European medical qualifications are authorized to practice medicine in France. However, a clause in the French Health law states: “If a hospital established on French territory by a foreign organization obtained recognition of its public benefit before June 10, 1949, the Ministry of Health may allow, by special decree, a number of practitioners attached to this hospital to practice medicine in France.”
The American Hospital in Paris benefits from this clause. The decree of June 11, 1991 fixed as eight the maximum number of non-French practitioners authorized to practice in France. There are currently six American doctors and one Japanese doctor at the American Hospital of Paris.
What languages are spoken at the American Hospital of Paris?
Staff in contact with patients and doctors are bilingual - French and English. The Hospital has a trilingual Japanese team of a doctor, medical advisors and nurses who speak Japanese, French and English. There are also teams for Arabic speakers (trilingual Arabic/English/French) and a Chinese medical advisor (trilingual Chinese/English/French). Additionally, the Hospital’s International Team can contact interpreters for other languages.
If my child is born at the American Hospital of Paris, will he/she have American nationality?
No, the American Hospital of Paris is not in American territory. Births must be registered at the mairie, or town hall, of Neuilly-sur-Seine and at the consulate of the country of origin.
Who can seek care at the American Hospital of Paris?
Anyone who wishes can seek care at the American Hospital of Paris.
What conditions must be met for hospitalization at the American Hospital of Paris?
Only American Hospital of Paris accredited doctors may authorize a hospital stay at the American Hospital of Paris. Therefore you must be under the care of an accredited doctor or have your doctor refer you to an accredited colleague.
What conditions must be met for maternity care at the American Hospital of Paris?
You must be under the care of an obstetrician accredited by the American Hospital of Paris, or referred to an accredited ob-gyn by your own doctor.
My doctor has ordered tests for me. Can they be done at the American Hospital of Paris?
Unlike a hospitalization where the attending physician must be accredited by the hospital, the ancillary services at the American Hospital of Paris may be accessed by anyone. You can choose the American Hospital of Paris for your analyses, x-rays and radiology, functional tests, physiotherapy, etc., regardless of whether or not your doctor is accredited by the American Hospital of Paris.
Do the lab analyses at the American Hospital of Paris cost the same as those done at any other lab?
Yes, the Medical Biology Laboratory at the American Hospital of Paris follows the French Social Security system’s fixed fee schedule. The prices are therefore identical to those of any other medical bio lab, and if you are registered with French Social Security you will be reimbursed the same amount. In addition to the Medical Biology Laboratory, other departments and services that follow the fixed fee schedule are:
- Outpatient chemotherapy service
- Dialysis center
- MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), PET/CT scanner (the fixed fee schedule applies mainly to the technical aspect of these services; the radiologist’s fee can be on the fixed schedule or established at his discretion).
The American Hospital of Paris is ‘non-conventionné’; does that mean I won’t be reimbursed by the national health insurance?
Although the American Hospital of Paris has no financial agreement with the French national health system, and is thus considered non-conventionné, a small portion of the hospitalization fee may still be reimbursed by French Social Security, if you benefit from this coverage. It reimburses about 80% of the standard level of reimbursement (not 80% of your American Hospital hospitalization fee) for hospitalization costs in institutions covered by the system (public or private). The rest may be covered by any complementary or private health insurance that you subscribe to, depending on your contract.
Conditions tarifaires à l’Hôpital Américain de Paris
Vous êtes affilié(e) à l'Assurance Maladie et devez être hospitalisé(e) avec ou sans nuitée (ambulatoire)
Vous êtes affiliée à l'Assurance Maladie et souhaitez mettre au monde votre bébé dans notre maternité
Vous êtes affilié(e) à l'Assurance Maladie et devez réaliser un examen d’imagerie médicale
Vous êtes affilié(e) à l'Assurance Maladie et devez réaliser des analyses en laboratoire
Vous êtes affilié(e) à l'Assurance Maladie et devez réaliser une chimiothérapie ou une dialyse
Vous êtes affilié(e) à l'Assurance Maladie et souhaitez consulter un médecin
Vous n'êtes pas affilié(e) à l'Assurance Maladie et devez être hospitalisé(e) avec ou sans nuitée (ambulatoire)
Vous n'êtes pas affilié(e) à l'Assurance Maladie et souhaitez consulter un médecin, mettre au monde votre enfant, réaliser un examen d'imagerie, des analyses en laboratoire, une chimiothérapie, une dialyse